[Announcement]111學年度研究生壁報競賽獲獎名單公告---The awardees of Graduate Poster Competition (Group B)

生命科學院生物科技學系碩士班_ 陳○慈 同學 榮獲特優獎
生命科學院生物科技學系博士班_ Tran LO Tu Quyen 同學 榮獲優等獎


1. 獲獎同學將另行通知出席頒獎典禮。。

2. 特優獎6,000元、優等獎4,000元、佳作獎2,000元,獎勵金將擇期核發。

1. We will inform the awardees of Award to present the awarding ceremony.

2. The prizes (NTD 6,000 for Distinguished Honor Award, NTD 4,000 for Merit Award and NTD 2,000 for Honorable Mention) will be issued recently.


~Congratulation all the awardee~