2023年10月19日(四)「大專生菁英專題研究討論會Undergraduate Research Results Forum」
本校生命科學院與德州大學奧斯汀分校UT Dean's Scholars於2022年4月開始啟動大專生全英語學術交流活動—「大專生菁英研究成果討論會 Undergraduate Research Results Forum」,反應十分熱烈,因而再接再厲規劃每半年舉行一場。UT Dean's Scholars是一個為具有對科學研究興趣的高度積極和有才華的學生設計的四年榮譽學位課程。其學生可以在自然科學學院提供的各個專業中獲得理學士榮譽學位。這是該學術交流活動系列的第四屆秋季場次,已於2023年10月19日舉行,並擴大規模舉辦。
這次活動特別邀請到德州大學Dr. Jason McLellan進行專題演講。他是一位結構生物學家,專注於研究病毒蛋白質的結構和功能,包括冠狀病毒。他的研究主要集中在合理設計疫苗和其他病毒治療方法,包括對付COVID-19的冠狀病毒(SARS-CoV-2)和呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)等。Dr. McLellan和他的團隊合作,成功設計出穩定版本的SARS-CoV-2刺突蛋白,這成為Moderna的mRNA-1273疫苗的基礎,也是美國I期臨床試驗中的第一個COVID-19疫苗候選。
此次以實體 (本校史丹佛會議室) 與UT視訊方式並行,由兩校大學部同學輪流進行全英語研究成果口頭報告分享與交叉問答。史丹佛會議室現場近乎滿座,兩校總參與人數來到約90多位師生,雙方師生踴躍提問,足以顯示大家對此活動的有著極高熱誠,及對國際科研交流的積極性。生科院更準備了獎牌及獎狀來鼓勵講者研究上卓越的表現,在場參與的每位同學亦獲得國際交流研習證明,期望能長期持續此項重要國際合作交流。
本院再次邀請郭樹勳副校長擔任開場引言人,為當天的交流活動揭開序幕,介紹了生命科學院研究非常傑出的洪士杰院長,及當日進行特別演講的重量級嘉賓Dr. Jason McLellan,其分享的主題為「Structure-based Vaccine Design」。深入簡出的分享及幽默風趣的台風,馬上就吸引了師生聚精會神地聆聽,演講後的問答環節中大家亦熱情提問,Dr. McLellan也耐心回答了所有問題,使演講活動取得了豐富的成果。郭副校長進而邀約Dr. Jason McLellan希望未來有機會邀請他來台實地訪視及交流,為兩邊師生國際交流增添了更多可能。照慣例進行雙方一同向鏡頭比德州大學奧斯汀分校Hook 'em Horns手勢,開心合影後再由雙方同學接力上場分享研究成果。
生科系四年級生林若穎同學 (指導老師: 王韋然助理教授),分享主題為「The Role of DSG2 in Innate Immunity of Cancer」,藉由了解DSG2在肺腺癌的表達和細胞中的功能,進一步探討DSG2透過調控下游PTX3基因轉錄,影響多重癌症進程和誘發化療藥物的抗性。未來希望能透過此研究幫助開發新的生物標記,提供一個新的治療策略。會後訪問同學參與心得,林生表示: 很開心這次能在這個活動分享自己小小的研究結果,在準備報告的過程中非常感謝王韋然老師和實驗室夥伴的協助,讓我的分享能夠順利完成!在參與這個活動的過程中除了增進自己的英文表達能力以外,更大大充實自己的專業知識。最後謝謝當天副校長、院長、和所有參與的美國和台灣的同學!
生科系三年級生許品心同學 (指導老師: 李易撰助理教授),分享主題為「Structural insights into AXL activation from prediction of the AXL and ribonuclease 4 complex」,此研究探討RNase4與受體酪氨酸激酶AXL之間的相互作用,以潛在應用於未來前列腺癌的檢測、分析和治療。我們表達和純化了野生型RNase4和突變型RNase4,以驗證突變型RNase4是否失去了結合AXL並抑制前列腺癌細胞生長的能力。會後訪問同學參與感想,許生表示:在準備的過程中整個都很緊繃也很緊張,尤其要準備全英文的報告讓我壓力倍增,不過還是很感謝我自己還有指導教授的幫忙讓我能克服這個挑戰,獲得一個不錯的經驗!
德州大學同學分享的研究主題分別為 「Disruptions in protein-protein interactions between HTT,PRPF40B, and MECP2 are involved in Lopes-Maciel-Rodan syndrome」(講者: Netrang Desai /指導老師: Dr. Devon Stork),以及「Anti-chains in Boolean Lattices」(講者: Madison Stewart /指導老師: Dr. PJ Couch )。四位同學的研究成果都非常精彩,期望透過互相不同研究面向的腦力激盪,能有助於雙邊未來的研究發想及合作。
討論會的尾聲,在眾人開心合照後在歡樂氣氛下結束這次的討論會,並期待下一次的交流活動。除了今年度秋季場活動外,生科院亦會著手規劃雙邊實地的參訪活動。生命科學院與德州大學奧斯汀分校UT Dean's Scholars將持續推進相關的學術交流活動,積極培育與國際接軌的生科人才。
English version
China Medical University’s College of Life Sciences (CMU CLS) and The University of Texas at Austin’s College of Natural Sciences (UT CNS) Dean's Scholars program launched the joint "Undergraduate Research Results Forum" in April 2022. This all-English undergraduate academic exchange is held every semester because of the overwhelming positive response from students of both universities. UT CNS Dean's Scholars is a four-year honors degree program designed for highly motivated and talented students interested in scientific research who can earn a Bachelor of Science Honors degree in many UT CNS majors. The fourth academic exchange was expanded in scale and held on October 19, 2023.
Once again, we invited CMU Vice President John S. Kuo to serve as the opening speaker, introducing Dean Shih-Chieh Hung of the College of Life Sciences, and the special speaker Dr. Jason McLellan of UT-Austin. He is a world-famous structural biologist specializing in research on the structure and function of viral proteins, including coronaviruses. Dr. McLellan’s high impact research has accelerated the rational design of vaccines and other viral treatments against COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Dr. McLellan and his collaborators successfully designed a stable version of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, a foundational component of the rapidly developed Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines that brought hope to the world’s population in the recent pandemic. His concise and detailed talk was warmly received and generated many intriguing questions about the advancing frontiers and challenges of vaccine development. Vice President Kuo also invited Dr Jason McLellan to visit Taiwan in the future, adding more possibilities for international exchanges between teachers and students on both sides. All participants on both sides showed the classic UT Austin “Hook 'em Horns” gesture to the camera in the happy group photo. Next, four undergraduate students took turns at the ‘virtual podium’ to share their research results.
Jo-Ying Lin, a senior from CMU’s Department of Biological Science and Technology (faculty advisor: Dr. Wei-Jan Wang), presented " The role of DSG2 in innate immunity and contribution to chemosensitivity in lung adenocarcinoma ". In this study, she discovered that DSG2 could play an oncogenic role in lung adenocarcinoma through PTX3 regulation and further induce chemotherapy resistance in lung cancer cells. She aims to develop a novel biomarker for lung cancer and provide a new perspective on treatment strategies.
Pin-Shin Hsu, a junior from CMU’s Department of Biological Science and Technology (faculty advisor: Dr. Dr. Yi-Chuan Li), presented " Structural insights into AXL activation from prediction of the AXL and ribonuclease 4 complex" This study explored the interaction between RNase4 and the receptor tyrosine kinase AXL for potential applications in future detection, analysis, and treatment of prostate cancer. We expressed and purified wild-type RNase4 and mutant RNase4 to verify whether mutant RNase4 lost the ability to bind AXL and inhibit prostate cancer cell growth.
Two UT CNS Dean’s Scholars also shared their research projects. Netrang Desai (faculty advisor: Dr. Devon Stork), presented "Disruptions in protein-protein interactions between HTT,PRPF40B, and MECP2 are involved in Lopes-Maciel-Rodan syndrome". The first freshmen CNS Dean’s scholar speaker at this event was Madison Stewart, (faculty supervisor: Dr. P. J. Couch), who spoke about "S Anti-chains in Boolean Lattices”.
For this joint forum, both physical (Stanford Conference Room) and videoconference were used in parallel with students from both universities taking turns to orally share results of research projects followed by Q&A. CMU’s Stanford conference room was filled to capacity, and the total number of participants from both schools included over 90 students and faculty. The audience eagerly asked questions and discussions, demonstrating high enthusiasm for this international scientific research exchange with exciting research results shared by the four outstanding students. In appreciation, CMU-CLS awarded medals and certificates to all of the outstanding speakers for their excellent research performance. On-site participants also received certificates of attendance for this international undergraduate research forum. We plan to continue this important international cooperation and exchange as a long term collaboration.
At the end of the forum, everyone happily took photos and ended the discussion in a joyful atmosphere, looking forward to the next event in spring 2024. In addition, CMU-CLS will work with UT Austin to start planning bilateral on-site visits and student summer exchange programs as part of the overall international initiative between UT Austin and CMU. CMU-CLS aims to promote international engagement and collaboration, and actively cultivate high caliber researchers and scholars that will make significant scientific contributions to the world.